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Kappa Eta Omega Chapter

Greetings From Kappa Eta Omega
Executive Board
Deborah Demps (President)
Cheryl Brown (Vice President)
Daphanie Simmons (Secretary)
Shekita Washington (Assistant Secretary)
Nancy Dennard (Treasurer)
Carolyn Sampson Burgess (Assistant Treasurer)
Tenjurie Thomas (Financial Secretary)
Linda Payton (Assistant Financial Secretary)
Ingrid Hall (Corresponding Secretary)
Corrie Hunter Marable (Ivy Leaf Reporter)
Jennifer Copeland (Graduate Advisor)
Tiffany Crowell Frazier (Parliamentarian)
Lynda Payton and Mary Roberts
Tara Moss (Standards Chairman)
Felicia Williams (Hostess)
Jessica Lewis (Sergeant-at-Arms)
Rejeana Wright (Technology Chairman)
Rashida Hitson Linehan (Chaplin)
Gloria Butler (Historian)
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